Port Facility Security Officer– 33
CFR 105 – 18 hours
With the University of Findlay’s Center for
Terrorism Preparedness. This class is a course of training for individuals
tasked with the role of Facility Security Officer for facilities
subject to 33 CFR 105 and 106, and addresses:
- The
knowledge and awareness of the conduct of security assessments
- Developing
security plans and implementing security measures
- Security
- Security
instructional skills
- International
and US codes and regulations
- The
class aligns with and is based on the IMO Model Course 3.21, the
- International
Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS), 33 CFR, and the guidelines
set forth in the U.S. Coast Guard Navigation and Vessel Inspection
Circular (NVIC) 11-02.
The class is taught by experienced maritime, security,
and law enforcement personnel. The class has received excellent
reviews from both FSO and U.S. Coast Guard attendees. This course
is U. S. MARAD-approved. For course dates and registration, go to
AWR 144 Port and Vessel Security for Public Safety and Maritime Personnel
Through the University of Findlay and the DHS Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium. This awareness level course is designed to provide the participants with the basic competencies associated with port and vessel security as well as a working knowledge of maritime security appropriate to public safety responders in rural jurisdictions. A foundation for this working knowledge will be built by explaining the extent of the maritime transportation system followed by a discussion on the vulnerabilities of that system. The participants will be given instruction concerning specific maritime security regulations affecting facilities and vessels (e.g., MARSEC levels, SSI, TWIC, etc.). Potential hazards in the dock and vessel environment will also be identified. Additional resources such as HOMEPORT and others will be discussed from which participants can reference for more information.
Introduction to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC)
This class meets or exceeds the knowledge requirements for personnel as stated in Enc. 3, sec. 3.3. (g), NVIC 03-07, Guidance for the Implementation of the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Program in the Maritime Sector. Topics discussed include:
• How TWIC applies to the vessel or facility
• Secure/restricted area locations and requirements
• Locations of and requirements for passenger and employee access areas, if
• Recognition of a valid TWIC in accordance with section 3.3a of this NVIC
• Escorting requirements and procedures
• Integration of the TWIC Program into existing access control systems
• Resolution of violations (forged or tampered TWICs, security breaches)
• New hire procedures
• Access for those individuals who have reported lost, stolen, or damaged cards
• Requirement to notify employees of the TWIC requirement and secure/public
access/passenger access/employee access areas
Airport Security for Law Enforcement - 8 hours
With the University of Findlay’s Center for
Terrorism Preparedness. The goal of this course is to prevent small
airports from being used to transfer or transport weapons of mass
destruction (WMD), to prevent use of rural airports for terrorism
against individuals, structures, and agriculture, and to assist
public safety personnel in responding to small airports in the event
of a natural disaster.
Small airport owners and operators have new security
responsibilities under Senate Bill 9, and one of these responsibilities
includes consulting with law enforcement in the development of their
security procedures. This course will give officers a solid foundation
of information about small airports, current threats, suspicious
activity, and hazards that may be encountered during a response.
For course dates and registration, go to http://seem.findlay.edu.
to Transportation Security – 16 hours
This is a two-day course to familiarize students
with key security issues in the major modes of the transportation
network. Course content includes rail, highway, mass transit, and
general aviation security threats and mitigation measures.
To register for current classes, please see the Class Schedule page.
Additional class information can be found on the Class Description page, or contact Laurie at laurie@publicsafetytraininginc.com.